Recent content by Wes

  1. Wes

    Can You Run a Successful Vacation Rental Company Without Completely Sacrificing Your Personal Life?

    This post is designed to inspire Property Managers everywhere to run best-in-class, functional and profitable businesses, while staying healthy, happy, and free. And we think it's more salient today than ever before. The biggest lessons from 3 years of explosive growth. “What series of really...
  2. Wes

    Finca Victoria

    To perhaps take a hard right in this conversation, I would personally say that I don't think a website like this should invest any money in SEO or keyword rich content. From a marketing perspective, I think this host is doing a number of things very right. Short, memorable content headings...
  3. Wes

    Monday Morning Motivation [Golden Ratio]

    Hi Jan! Out of curiosity, what do you attribute your direct booking % decline to? Or do you not consider it a material change?
  4. Wes

    Monday Morning Motivation [Portraits]

    Great email this morning @Matt. We've recently been going through thousands of vacation rental listing photos for products we're building for our software brand, and I've been personally blown away at how crappy a large % of the photos still are. It's amazing how your advice to spend money on...