• Ready to unearth your next breakthrough? Join Matt Landau and Futurist, Erwin Pearlman for a private online talk about the power of creativity and Soul in business: Thursday, March 6th at 5PM (EST). https://heregoesnothin.com/soul


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I’m Matt Landau, the founder of this forum. It was created in 2016 when a group of us wanted a safe space to discuss our growing STR businesses.

Today, you can join our community of 1,000+ creative, thoughtful, and generous members who believe in a better future.

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Here Goes Nothin'

Retreats, workshops, and discussions that spark creative leaps in your business.

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Upcoming Retreats

Here Goes Nothin' retreats mimic the regenerative laws of nature to help business leaders pause, reflect on what really matters, and discover their next big breakthrough. Our next retreats are May 2-6 and May 6-10 at the famed Imiloa Institute in Dominical, Costa Rica.

Simply reach out to [email protected] with a bit about your current goals to learn more...
