50K Euros Stolen via Airbnb, Outdoor Experience Design, 58% Direct Bookings, Closing Shop, #1 Welcome Gift

The following discussions are highlights from VRMB's vibrant community. Dive into these insights and join the conversation!

+ Borja experienced an extremely expensive hacking of his Airbnb account. He's out 50k euros and is seeking advice from anyone who may have experienced something similar. Be on high alert if you receive the notification about bank accounts.

+ In a discussion about how to design outdoor space into more of a experience Michelle is looking for ideas. Some creative ones featured plus a game I recently played for the first time that costs pretty much nothing to install. It's nothing more than a hook, a hoop, and some string!

+ Ruth is at 58% direct bookings (!!!) and looking for input on how to generate more reviews from these direct booking guests. Sallie's already chimed in with her own secret sauce. Hint: pics of margaritas and toucans.

+ Jan has decided to close up shop and Sallie has some (more) words of wisdom when it comes to moving on: "The place that we fell in love with no longer existed, and we knew in our guts it was time to sell. It was time for our next dream."

+ Is this local coffee scheme the #1 welcome gift investment your money can buy? Whether you like coffee or not, whether you live in your location or elsewhere, consider a community alliance like this!

Ready to be part of these engaging discussions? Join 1,000+ homerunners in VRMB's community, where we're shaping the future of hospitality together. (New members welcome - cancel anytime)

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The Vacation Rental Show

"The Vacation Rental Show," hosted by Matt Landau, is the first travel show to amplify the magic of professional vacation rental experiences.

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