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Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

EP54: Doing Things Properly with Tammi Sims

Tammi Sims is the VP of Customer at Properly, an industry-leading cleaning app with a host of deeper applications. Perhaps more importantly, Tammi (along with her partner Alex Nigg) are visionary vacation rental leaders: they identified a need for this solution way back before anyone could even name the problem.

Tammi is a regular at industry conferences -- and it was at VRMA in New Orleans where Tammi was ‘in her element’ -- that I got the chance to sit in on a sushi lunch and then record a conversation that goes way beneath the surface (like any good thorough vacation rental professional would) to explore Tammi’s backstory, her borderline-obsession with small details, and some of her concerns and wishes for the future of this movement.

I have had the pleasure to watch Tammi and Alex grow their business over the course of the last few years and it’s been such a treat to watch them grow, but with the right values, the right priorities and the right attitude about how we should treat one another. This is a fabulous episode for any RBO or PM who likes to do things properly.

If you want to innovate like Tammi, consider a demo with our friends at PointCentral (free HVAC Analytics included from this landing page):

Here are some links and people mentioned in the episode:




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“A podcast with a splash! Thoughtful, well-targeted, and useful delivery.”
— Beth, Splashy Ventures
“I listen while pulling weeds in my garden. Perfect way of spending my morning.”
— Sibylle, Villa Ausblick
“High-quality, actionable, and timely. Pure gold.”
— Matthew, Family Time Vacation Rentals