Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

Have You Tried 'Creative Destruction'?

After we completed our first gang intervention in Panama, we did an exercise in creative destruction where we smashed our business model on the floor (metaphorically) into a bunch of tiny pieces.

There was something cathartic about creatively destroying version 1.0 that had worked well enough despite being assembled haphazardly (we didn't know what we were doing)!

When you creatively destroy something, there's no going back and you're forced to start from a new, more informed vantage point. And to let go of the emotional baggage.

When we began to build version 2.0 of the business model some of the most integral elements of version 1.0 naturally made their way into version 2.0...but it was a VERY different building process than normal.

Had we tried to start with version 1.0, we could have gotten to 1.1 or 1.2 or even 1.9. But to make a big leap we needed to destroy the thing creatively and reapproach with a fresh lens.

We used this process in between each growth phase moving forward. And to this day I creatively destroy anything I need to reimagine or revert back to core. Without it, I'm prone to getting stuck in a rut and eventually dragging down everyone around me.

Has anyone tried an act of creative destruction in their business?
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About the author

Matt Landau
Founder, VRMB
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