Human Touch vs. Automation in Modern Hospitality

The following discussions are in VRMB Community. The links will not work for non-members. Please become a member and log in to engage with the material and other like-minded homerunners. Characterized by lots of slower, more human discussions that aren't taking place elsewhere.

+ Donna asks "What are your plans to survive current economics and threats to the STR industry?" It's a fair question that is also likely daunting to a lot of people. I open a potentially bigger can of worms, what would it look like to reimagine an unsustainable business model? Join the convo here.

+ I received a hand-written note this week and when I thanked the sender he revealed that he actually used a service to hand-write his message for him. I actually loved it! Is business losing its soul?

+ Craig inquired about using Ai for property descriptions and the thread began to peel back some of the layers of automation vs. manual, tech vs. human. In the end, a hybrid approach in the works?

+ David shares a masterclass on how we balance being authentic, providing exceptional hospitality and not over-giving. Starting with "where my brand stands in the marketplace and where the P&L balances with the heart..."

The above discussions are part of an ongoing exploration of hospitality's evolving landscape. The insights shared represent just a fraction of the daily conversations happening in our community. Please become a member and log in to participate in these thought-provoking discussions alongside other passionate hospitality professionals. Distinguished by meaningful, human-centered conversations that cut through the noise and tackle real industry challenges.

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