Facebook groups and whatsapp chats are noisy and chaotic: VRMB's community is forward-thinking and objective. The following discussions are for Premium Members. If you're not a member, come join us and stop trying to navigate complex decisions on your own. All business types are welcomed.
What ensues is the magic of community: plenty of owners and managers popped into the discussion with their own two cents. Several posted cautions and things to watch out for. And ultimately Michelle posted photos of the finished product.
One interesting line is about how Michelle loves interacting with her local community (the ping pong tables and outdoor dining are exposed to the sidewalk of passersby) but how she recognizes her guests may want privacy. Join Michelle's journey...
"Even if a homeowner has moved on from renting and are now living in their homes, or if they sold and come back to you to rent, they are the true gems, IMO. Especially if you have clearly communicated over the years, the texts, the late-night calls, even the advocacy work we do (well, we have to in this town!) on their behalf, it all adds up to a relationship."
Read more about how Lee, Heather and other members are finding greater purpose through re-prioritizing who gets their energy and effort.
Outdoor Fun...We need some ideas!
Back in April 2023, Michelle shared she was reimagining the outdoor space at one of her Shift vacation rentals.What ensues is the magic of community: plenty of owners and managers popped into the discussion with their own two cents. Several posted cautions and things to watch out for. And ultimately Michelle posted photos of the finished product.
One interesting line is about how Michelle loves interacting with her local community (the ping pong tables and outdoor dining are exposed to the sidewalk of passersby) but how she recognizes her guests may want privacy. Join Michelle's journey...
Counter-Intuitive Messaging FTW
We've covered the "Why our destination is NOT for you" messaging and now we're kicking things up a notch with members creating "Reasons why you SHOULD book on Airbnb," "You might not want us to manage your home if..." and my personal favorite "Don't Book With Us If You Like..." Bahahah love it Read all drafts and participate here...Guest Relations vs. Homeowner Relations
Lee shares how the relationships she builds with guests are very different than the relationships she builds with homeowners who end up becoming life-long friends in Lee's life."Even if a homeowner has moved on from renting and are now living in their homes, or if they sold and come back to you to rent, they are the true gems, IMO. Especially if you have clearly communicated over the years, the texts, the late-night calls, even the advocacy work we do (well, we have to in this town!) on their behalf, it all adds up to a relationship."
Read more about how Lee, Heather and other members are finding greater purpose through re-prioritizing who gets their energy and effort.
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