Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

Encouraging Conferences for 2023

Updated Oct 19, 2023

I think this will be a watershed year for vacation rental conferences, so I'm encouraging any member who wants to up their game with some advice around the most common questions I get!

Drop your fav conference into comments for other well as what kind of attendee would be a good fit!

Note: We've also begun hosting a series of private events ourselves called "Keystone Retreats" -- DM for more info.

The single biggest tip I like to share with people entering conferences is to SLOW DOWN. It’s easy to go a million miles per hr and try to voraciously consume everything at the buffet. But in doing so you miss the subtler, more meaningful moments that make our industry and people pure magic.

Slowing down can look like fewer interactions/networking but deeper/more meaningful connections. Slowing down can mean fewer sessions, but more focused subject matter / problem solving. And slowing down can mean fewer parties/carousing in favor of sleep/rest/feeling great the next day!

Over the last decade I have attended most major vacation rental conferences, a number of them multiple times. Here are some of the most common questions I receive:
  1. What are the conferences like? The conferences are like big support groups. You meet people you know from online (and plenty you don’t) and forge these unique relationships because they are going through the same thing. Morning coffee, group lunches, jaunts for dinner and drinks There is a kind of feeling of fulfillment that comes when a group of people are all facing challenges, together.
  2. How do I get the most out of conferences? I recommend you identify (beforehand) one or two big yet specific goals (settling on a software choice, strategic direction, or next big leap) whose answers (when you get them) will make you more money, save you significant time, or make your life easier. Within a few days after the conference, you should have made significant progress on (if not completed) your goals — that improvement has a value.
  3. I am trying to justify the cost. First of all, if you follow the advice above, your mission to achieve your big-yet-specific goal has a reward. Estimate how much that new future is worth to you — put a $ amount on it. Second, it’s a business expense. Third, payoff comes in the form of renewed focus and motivation, which is priceless.
  4. I can’t step away from my business. Turn that challenge into an opportunity. Yes, easier said than done. But removing yourself from your business is a goal in and of itself! Explore our 'Forced Vacation' thread for ideas on how to make it happen. It’s also good to know that most people who attend one event end up attending events regularly — the first event is often the hardest, once you do it, you’ll hold a different perspective. (Good side reading from Bruce Bruce How can I go on vacation?)
  5. I’ve heard it’s like drinking from a firehouse. Yes, this can be true. But you can pick and choose what sessions you attend, nothing is obligatory, and it's the seeds you plant -- the nuggets you glean -- that end up sticking and flourishing over time. Nothing can prepare you for the amount of positive energy however. You will need to catch up on some sleep afterwards.
  6. Do I attend a conference in my region or travel abroad? Typically, your own region means attendee’s more similar to you, which is important for many reasons. But international events have the bonus of experiential travel (after all, it’s our craft!) and meeting attendee’s NOT exactly like you: a fun reward (I mean business expense) for the curious-at-heart.
Drop your fav conference into comments as well as what kind of attendee you think would be a good fit!
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Great points Matt. I've attended more conferences than I can recall, but came away from every single one with more knowledge than I had when the event started.

In attending one of my first VRMA conferences we were talking at a lunch table about damage deposits (way back in 2013 most people were still collecting them), and that was when I learned about damage waivers. I brought that nugget back to my company, we implemented an Accidental Damage Protection Waiver very soon after and it has netted us well over $500K since then. That's quite the return on the conference ticket/air fare/accommodation.

At another event I sat in on a presentation by Sarah Bradford (from the Sarah + T podcast) on owner acquisition. The following year, using the tactics I learned from her, we increased our owner intake by 30% from the previous year.

Our website was built by Real Tech Webmasters after speaking to them over the course of a couple of years at VRMA events. We'd built up a relationship way before the demos started.

Matt's point #2 is very important. It's like going to an outlet mall with no idea what you want to buy. You'll aimlessly browse going from store to store, and end up going home with nothing, or something you had no need for, but looked shiny at the time. Having a list or a goal of what you want to get out of a conference is as necessary as all the other planning that goes into a trip. Whether it's to meet someone you've chatted to online or in a FB group, or to sit down with a software provider and figure out if what they have really meets your needs, that pre-planning makes it all worthwhile.

And Matt's VRB meet-ups are essential to attend too. Often at the start of an event, you'll be super-motivated to attend the sessions and stroll the vendor aisles after.....and you'll have met like-minded people too so won't feel you don't know anyone.

My favourites have been the European events ...and my own Vacation Rental Success Summits...which we may launch again in 2023. Still musing on that one!
Great points Matt. I've attended more conferences than I can recall, but came away from every single one with more knowledge than I had when the event started.

In attending one of my first VRMA conferences we were talking at a lunch table about damage deposits (way back in 2013 most people were still collecting them), and that was when I learned about damage waivers. I brought that nugget back to my company, we implemented an Accidental Damage Protection Waiver very soon after and it has netted us well over $500K since then. That's quite the return on the conference ticket/air fare/accommodation.

At another event I sat in on a presentation by Sarah Bradford (from the Sarah + T podcast) on owner acquisition. The following year, using the tactics I learned from her, we increased our owner intake by 30% from the previous year.

Our website was built by Real Tech Webmasters after speaking to them over the course of a couple of years at VRMA events. We'd built up a relationship way before the demos started.

Matt's point #2 is very important. It's like going to an outlet mall with no idea what you want to buy. You'll aimlessly browse going from store to store, and end up going home with nothing, or something you had no need for, but looked shiny at the time. Having a list or a goal of what you want to get out of a conference is as necessary as all the other planning that goes into a trip. Whether it's to meet someone you've chatted to online or in a FB group, or to sit down with a software provider and figure out if what they have really meets your needs, that pre-planning makes it all worthwhile.

And Matt's VRB meet-ups are essential to attend too. Often at the start of an event, you'll be super-motivated to attend the sessions and stroll the vendor aisles after.....and you'll have met like-minded people too so won't feel you don't know anyone.

My favourites have been the European events ...and my own Vacation Rental Success Summits...which we may launch again in 2023. Still musing on that one!
  1. What are the conferences like? Amazingly you will find your tribe, the people experiencing some of the same challenges and maybe brainstorming different solutions you can share and learn from
  2. How do I get the most out of conferences? Listen, listen, listen - and for me take extensive notes and plan one full day a week later to review and decide what to implement and with whom to follow up - make alliances with folks you can both commiserate and celebrate with in the future!
  3. I am trying to justify the cost. I have yet to attend a conference that I didn’t more than double triple or 10x my investment.
  4. I can’t step away from my business. That would a tough, particularly when it’s fairly new - like leaving your toddler with strangers. However, getting out of the forest to see some trees is crucial to moving your business forward.
  5. I’ve heard it’s like drinking from a firehouse. This is not wrong. This is why building in a day of rest on return - and a day a weekend later to remove - is an important part of the process.
  6. Do I attend a conference in my region or travel abroad? I think both have good points. In your region you are likely facing similar issues. Outside your region is good for new ideas and cross pollination. Taking action is the important part!
I love conferences, but then again I am that weird person who actually likes meetings!

Conferences are that great place to meet people who are in your industry and "get it". You get to meet other business owners that aren't in your area (not worried about competition) so the conversation is free flowing and you really get deep about the good, the bad and the ugly. I always try and take one or two other people so we can attend every class they offer. As within each class you always at least learn one new thing to take away! Yes, sometimes my marketing manager will take a housekeeping class, it is good for them to see outside their realm, lol. The cost can be a bit to bear, for instance I am trying to decide which ones we will go to in 2022 as we can't go to them all. If you think of it from an education stand point it is like paying for courses at a college, it isn't cheap but you come back with a lot of knowledge. I also treat it as a bonus for my staff as they get a free trip with some work stuff sprinkled in 🙂 I feel conferences are a great way to grow your business. So if you are ready to grow your business find a way to be there. A lot of them tend to be in the off season for most of us so it is usually a slower time in our business. Make automated messages and warn owners that you will be out for a few days. It is good to start training them anyways that you can't be there 244/7 for them. We have decided after our Software company's conference that we are going to take an extra day or two and do our yearly planning. Since we are already away from the office it is a perfect place to discuss what we just learned as it is usually a zillion new ideas that you want to discuss while fresh in your mind. Like Christina said at least schedule a time to go over all you learned with your team. I think branching out to new places is always fun but look at what they are offering as classes or speakers to make sure it lines up with what you need. Lastly, if you are looking to purchase software or other items or services there are usually some pretty sweet deals if you sign up at a conference. We had gotten quotes before conferences on certain things then shown up to a conference and received a way better deal.

On a side note did anyone go to Amy Hinote's Conference in December? I am really wanting to go to that one this year but was curious what the cost typically is per ticket? I paid this year for all of the classes and there were a ton!! More than any other conference I have been to.

What is everyone's favorite conference to attend? Mine has been Liverez!! Got burnt out by VRMA a few years back so haven't gone to theirs recently and NWVRP's are good too.
In my mind, the value of the conference is not typically the sessions - it is the relationships and people. Without conferences, so many of my strong business relationships and friendships in the industry wouldn't exist today.

While it is difficult to quantify the value of a conference in the moment, with 20/20 hindsight I can unequivocally say that every conference produced real, meaningful ROI for my brand. In the moment, drinks in a bar at 2am seem like college years flashbacks. Until a month later, that guy you were drinking with happens to be Lino from Wyndham and he lists 500 properties with the site. I wasn't there to sell, but selling was a byproduct of the relationships that were forged.

Don't put false pressure for ROI now. Instead, concentrate on building relationships, giving back to others, and learning 1-3 things that you can implement in your business (even if you already know these things, but have not implemented). The profits will fall into place.
I love conferences! Even though I had been in the industry for a few years, my first conference was a HUGE eye opener for me. It gave me an entirely new understanding of the industry and the people who work in it. It's so important to step away from the day to day and see the big picture. The other thing that I realized at my first conference, is that the community is so sharing and open to helping each other. Really we all want to elevate the industry together, and this can only be done by helping each other and sharing learning experiences. Slow progress is made if we all had to reinvent the wheel, but when we can put our heads together and learn off of each other, we can all grow faster and stronger. I have never worked in an industry quite so friendly and willing to share. I'll never forget my fist conference, I was new in my role as a business developer and the first woman I met gave me her card and say "call me any time if you ever need help" and it was such a beacon of light for me. I did reach out and she shared things with me that have helped me advance in my goals very quickly.

If you are thinking about attending your first conference, but hesitating, let me tell you ----- DO IT! 🙂 You won't regret it and you will make some amazing connections and close friendships.
Every VR conference I've been to has paid back in spades. You get out of them what you put in. I like to compare notes with other VRMs and attend the same breakout sessions as part of the networking. It's also a great time to do a health check on your tech stack and get face time with your key vendors all in one room. It's incredibly efficient and fosters stronger support down the road. Looking forward to a stellar 2022 along with a few good conferences.... certainly the big VRMA event.
Great thread Matt Landau Matt Landau
I think that we have all probably missed in-person conferences- they really are a superb way to connect, learn and share with like minded professionals.
I would like to give a shout out to the Vacation Rental World Summit cc Antonio Antonio -- and The Book Direct Show. Both offer incredible opportunities to get really valuable takeaways that you can implement once you get home. They make your business stronger, more resilient and more profitable.

I also wanted to flag up that both these conferences are working hard to be more environmentally friendly - so vital for our industry and the planet. A big plus when choosing which conferences to attend.

Green VR Events was launched to highlight best practice in greener conferences in our industry. Wouldn’t you like to see conferences be more sustainable so that you can attend with less concern about the impact on the environment!
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If I could I would go to every single conference if I could, I have trouble dragging my wife to two or three a year. It is my favourite thing to do in our industry.

Every conference I have attended is packed full of industry experts and I could listen to them all day. Over 40% of the attendees at the last VRMA were first time attendees and there was a special energy in the air. I attended the Track conference in /2021 which was their first conference and they did an outstanding job. I was kind of special knowing everyone in attendance was using the same software. Going to a Streamline conference is at the top of my bucket list. Antonio Antonio does a fantastic job with his conference and it is a great excuse to travel Europe.

Best conference I have ever attended was my first conference hosted by Heather Heather, the excitement and anticipation knowing that almost everyone at the conference was going to be an IC member is something I will never forget, I remember it like it was yesterday. I have been invited to sit on a panel for this springs VRMA conference and although it is an honour it does not come close to excitement of that first conference in Toronto. It doesn't matter how many conferences I attend in my life time that will always be the best.
I'm a huge fan of conferences, and I sorely miss them. My first was Heather Heather's first VRSS and from there I was hooked. I've been fortunate to attend one of Antonio's VRWS, and I loved Amy's Vacation Women's Summit. NWVRP is in my own back yard, and the experience from hosting our own Host2Host conference was invaluable. Each one is very different, there is much to learn from each other, and the networking is fabulous. I've made many friends in this industry and love the camaraderie and sharing. Also, to emphasize Heather's comments, Matt's VRB sessions are like mini-conferences and it's such a pleasure to meet you all. I am SO ready for this pandemic to end!
Yes a conference is on my list. It would be nice to know which ones are more slanted towards single property owners as opposed to property managers.
Sherry Sherry I would agree with you - I have only two homes on my farm. Matt Landau Matt Landau #3 has been my hesitation, but I have to say after reading all of the comments I have been convinced the cost is worth the gain! Now for Covid to go away so I feel comfortable in a crowd!
Matt, I couldn’t agree more! 2022 will be a banner year for conferences due to many factors. And, in my experience conferences are a true necessity if you want to be successful.

•These are your peeps! You find others have the same issues as you do.

•You can discuss how to solve these problems with those who are not your direct competitor.
Ex: You want to learn how to handle a negative review better.

•See, touch and feel products that may help your business (PMS, linens, locks, promotional items... you name it, it’s generally there)

•Talk to others who really use the products & get the advantages / disadvantages which helps you make a more informed decision.

•Take away an idea which helps you make money. My ROI can be substantial! I always walk away with an idea, that when implemented, covers the cost of attending the conference.

•If you cannot afford to bring someone else with you, the sessions that you cannot attend are generally recorded you can listen to them later.

I could list 50 reasons to attend a conference... As Nike says: “Just do it”! I personally can say, You won’t regret it!
So many spot on points made here by all!
My first big conference was VRMAs in New Orleans in 2019. I got the opportunity to meet folks I had only heard on podcasts or connected with online. Grabbing tea with Heather Heather was a highlight. 🫖

Getting to meet you Matt Landau Matt Landau led us to doing a podcast of our own which has hugely impacted the path I have chosen to to pursue today.

Conferences solidify the community “we know is out there” and stokes the fire to always be better than yesterday.

At conferences I learn ways to make improvements in my business that I didn’t even know we needed to make! Audio notes were a great way to capture it all to listen to later.

While I haven’t been to nearly all of the conferences listed in this thread, I attended my first VRWS this fall and LOVED IT!

Intimate setting, attention to every detail, good food, nice balance of group sessions, breakout sessions and networking time. Whether you’ve done the conference circuit before or it’s your first, there’s something for everyone at VRWS.
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Living in Australia we don't seem to have any VR conferences here. The only one I've ever been to was run by Homeaway and was pretty awful. If I was to buy one plane ticket this year and go to one conference somewhere in the world, which would you recommend (for a property manager with 100+properties)?
Living in Australia we don't seem to have any VR conferences here. The only one I've ever been to was run by Homeaway and was pretty awful. If I was to buy one plane ticket this year and go to one conference somewhere in the world, which would you recommend (for a property manager with 100+properties)?

Peter Bird Peter Bird and Joan have talked about putting something together in Aus.
I literally have just joined and have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. We have recently purchased a historic home near Middleburg, Va, although we live in Dallas,Tx😉) Matt will you or someone recommend the best conference for me to attend? Looking forward to jumping right in and learning from ALL of you
I literally have just joined and have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. We have recently purchased a historic home near Middleburg, Va, although we live in Dallas,Tx😉) Matt will you or someone recommend the best conference for me to attend? Looking forward to jumping right in and learning from ALL of you
Can you give me an idea of your current business size/shape/goals so I can make the best suggestion possible?
I love conferences because it's a chance to talk face to face and learn from all of you. But also it's great to be around the energy and enthusiasm.

This year the demand from vendors to sponsor and exhibit at shows is higher than I've ever seen. Sponsorships are selling out quickly, many months in advance of the shows. And from what I'm hearing attendance is expected to be higher than ever. The VRMA Spring Forum, as an example, appears will be the most attendees they've ever had. The fear of COVID isn't hanging over everyone as it did the last two years.

LIST OF U.S. SHOWS I know of currently. Obviously, all are different. I've included links to help you find out more information:

4/3 - 4/5: Northwest Vacation Rental Professionals
4/11, 12: VRMA Spring Forum
4/27: VRM Intel Live! Wilmington, NC

TBD: VRMA Connect Mid-Atlantic
5/1 - 5/4: Expedia EXPLORE 22 Las Vegas NV
5/3: Florida Vacation Rental Alliance (FAVR) NW Regional
5/18: VRM Intel Live! Branson MO

TBD: VRMA Connect
6/9: VRM Intel Live! Breckenridge CO
6/16, 17: IMN Short-Term Rental Forum Austin TX

8/9, 10: VRM Intel DARM Nashville TN

9/7 - 9/9: Streamline Summit Scottsdale AZ
9/13: GuestyVal Austin TX
9/18 - 9/20: Track & Atlas Customer Conference Minneapolis MN
9/19 - 9/21: FAVR Xtravaganza Orlando FL
9/26 - 9/28: LiveRez Conference Asheville NC

10/18, 19: The Book Direct Show Miami FL
10/23 - 10/26: VRMA International Las Vegas NV

11/3: VRM Intel Live! South Lake Tahoe NV
11/30: VRM Intel Live! SW Florida

I've not yet been to a conference and I am very much looking forward to starting this year. Here are the conferences I saw mentioned in this thread. Any big ones I missed that anyone can recommend?

VRMA Conference
Vacation Rental World Summit
The Book Direct Show
Track conference
Vacation Rental Success Summits
I just posted below more events with links to their websites for more information.
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Hello everyone, I am very excited to get back out there to meet people and go to a VR conference, in person, again.

I am trying to decide on a conference for 2022. My ideal situation would be coincide with an Inner Circle Meet Up. I went to to Heather's VRSS events a few years ago and absolutely loved them. Also, I am up for an IC Meet Up in the NYC / NJ / Philly area if there are any in the works.

Matt Landau Matt Landau suggestions to jump back in?

Thank you,
Hey John, glad you bumped this thread up.

I endorse all the conferences mentioned but it is something I found myself saying often, "none of these events are really MADE for you" which is to say, nothing jumps off the page as "this an ideal fit."

Which is a nice excuse for me to share that I'll be experimenting with some seminar-style meet-ups this year (likely August) in which education is the main entree (networking the appetizer and dessert). The meet-ups will be designed around the "Roundtable" Format that we've been using now since the very first meet-up at Heather Heather's VRSS in Toronto. And each one will be very small (8-12 people max) in order to really dig into some of these pressing challenges over the course of 2 or 3 days. Not ready to announce dates or times yet, but if you're interested, please shoot me a private message with the code phrase "vacation rental nerd express" and I'll keep you in the loop regarding cohort numero uno. Should be in the next week or two and the only requirement is that you're an open thinker with a curious mind 🙂
Hi all. wanted to share my commitments - perhaps we can network IRL? Normally try to do one a year. Looks like this year I'm reaching further out.

5/18: VRM Intel Live! Branson MO > It's about 3 hours from my Ozarks turf - WHY NOT?! One day.
6/16, 17: IMN Short-Term Rental Forum - for pro RE investors. Austin TX - will be speaking at. 😳
VRMA international - really don't wish to visit vegas, but I'd just be in the hotel visiting with you all the whole time so.... likely? It's the only one I have ever attended thus far in 7 years in the bz/ ; it's so invigorating to me.
I love conferences because it's a chance to talk face to face and learn from all of you. But also it's great to be around the energy and enthusiasm.

This year the demand from vendors to sponsor and exhibit at shows is higher than I've ever seen. Sponsorships are selling out quickly, many months in advance of the shows. And from what I'm hearing attendance is expected to be higher than ever. The VRMA Spring Forum, as an example, appears will be the most attendees they've ever had. The fear of COVID isn't hanging over everyone as it did the last two years.

LIST OF U.S. SHOWS I know of currently. Obviously, all are different. I've included links to help you find out more information:

4/3 - 4/5: Northwest Vacation Rental Professionals
4/11, 12: VRMA Spring Forum
4/27: VRM Intel Live! Wilmington, NC

TBD: VRMA Connect Mid-Atlantic
5/1 - 5/4: Expedia EXPLORE 22 Las Vegas NV
5/3: Florida Vacation Rental Alliance (FAVR) NW Regional
5/18: VRM Intel Live! Branson MO

TBD: VRMA Connect
6/9: VRM Intel Live! Breckenridge CO
6/16, 17: IMN Short-Term Rental Forum Austin TX

8/9, 10: VRM Intel DARM Nashville TN

9/7 - 9/9: Streamline Summit Scottsdale AZ
9/13: GuestyVal Austin TX
9/18 - 9/20: Track & Atlas Customer Conference Minneapolis MN
9/19 - 9/21: FAVR Xtravaganza Orlando FL
9/26 - 9/28: LiveRez Conference Asheville NC

10/18, 19: The Book Direct Show Miami FL
10/23 - 10/26: VRMA International Las Vegas NV

11/3: VRM Intel Live! South Lake Tahoe NV
11/30: VRM Intel Live! SW Florida

I just posted below more events with links to their websites for more information.
thank you muchly for this!
If I could I would go to every single conference if I could, I have trouble dragging my wife to two or three a year. It is my favourite thing to do in our industry.

Every conference I have attended is packed full of industry experts and I could listen to them all day. Over 40% of the attendees at the last VRMA were first time attendees and there was a special energy in the air. I attended the Track conference in /2021 which was their first conference and they did an outstanding job. I was kind of special knowing everyone in attendance was using the same software. Going to a Streamline conference is at the top of my bucket list. Antonio Antonio does a fantastic job with his conference and it is a great excuse to travel Europe.

Best conference I have ever attended was my first conference hosted by Heather Heather, the excitement and anticipation knowing that almost everyone at the conference was going to be an IC member is something I will never forget, I remember it like it was yesterday. I have been invited to sit on a panel for this springs VRMA conference and although it is an honour it does not come close to excitement of that first conference in Toronto. It doesn't matter how many conferences I attend in my life time that will always be the best.

I've been to marketing conferences, business conferences, nonprofit conferences, tourism conferences, music conferences, PR conferences, all from the various industries I've been privileged to participate in. (and sometimes been asked to speak at.) but my most memorable conference ever was also my first VR Conference - The Vacation Rental Women's Conference in 2019. I felt at home with the people I met and the owners and property managers I was to start friendships with. I'm excited about the Book Direct Show this year in Miami for many reasons. Will you be there by chance?
I think 2022 will be a watershed year for vacation rental conferences. A new covid normal and lots of pent-up networking energy, combined with PEAK money/influence/success that is riding 100% on our choice as core stakeholders (of a fragmented movement) to come together. So I'm encouraging any member who wants to up their game, to pick a conference to attend! My secret goal is to encourage first timers as once you go conference you never go back.

Drop your fav conference into comments for other well as what kind of attendee would be a good fit!

Over the last decade I have attended most major vacation rental conferences, a number of them multiple times. Here are some of the most common questions I receive:
  1. What are the conferences like? The conferences are like big support groups. You meet people you know from online (and plenty you don’t) and forge these unique relationships because they are going through the same thing. Morning coffee, group lunches, jaunts for dinner and drinks There is a kind of feeling of fulfillment that comes when a group of people are all facing challenges, together.
  2. How do I get the most out of conferences? I recommend you identify (beforehand) one or two big yet specific goals (settling on a software choice, strategic direction, or next big leap) whose answers (when you get them) will make you more money, save you significant time, or make your life easier. Within a few days after the conference, you should have made significant progress on (if not completed) your goals — that improvement has a value.
  3. I am trying to justify the cost. First of all, if you follow the advice above, your mission to achieve your big-yet-specific goal has a reward. Estimate how much that new future is worth to you — put a $ amount on it. Second, it’s a business expense. Third, payoff comes in the form of renewed focus and motivation, which is priceless.
  4. I can’t step away from my business. Turn that challenge into an opportunity. Yes, easier said than done. But removing yourself from your business is a goal in and of itself! Explore our 'Forced Vacation' thread for ideas on how to make it happen. It’s also good to know that most people who attend one event end up attending events regularly — the first event is often the hardest, once you do it, you’ll hold a different perspective. (Good side reading from Bruce Bruce How can I go on vacation?)
  5. I’ve heard it’s like drinking from a firehouse. Yes, this can be true. But you can pick and choose what sessions you attend, nothing is obligatory, and it's the seeds you plant -- the nuggets you glean -- that end up sticking and flourishing over time. Nothing can prepare you for the amount of positive energy however. You will need to catch up on some sleep afterwards.
  6. Do I attend a conference in my region or travel abroad? Typically, your own region means attendee’s more similar to you, which is important for many reasons. But international events have the bonus of experiential travel (after all, it’s our craft!) and meeting attendee’s NOT exactly like you: a fun reward (I mean business expense) for the curious-at-heart.
Drop your fav conference into comments as well as what kind of attendee you think would be a good fit!
Bonus: I host private VRMB meet-ups (drinks, dinner, and roundtables) around most major conferences -- your ticket including food and bev is included in community dues.
Note: if you are part of a conference organizing team or a vendor who attends conferences, you are encouraged to participate as well -- one of the few chances at self-promo we allow here in the Community 🙂
I have attended a few conferences in the USA and one in Italy. Thinking back about them and the fact that I met Matt, Heather and Antonio, I can say that they each moved my business forward by six months to a year each. Then the ability to meet others from all over the world and to hear them talk about their own experiences was a huge plus.

YES, if was like a fire hose; however, worth every bit of time, money and energy. After my first one I came back and created my logo, started developing a website, had professional photos done and so much more.

Today, too many years later, I am finally doing my first email marketing campaign. I do not know what took me so long. Here it is and I thank several of you for encouraging and helping me and the team at Switchback has been amazing.

I continue to learn from the group and will also pick 1-2 conferences to attend in the next 12 months.

I just got back from the STR Wealth conference that was hosted in Nashville with Bill Faeth and Mike Sjogern in June that I thought was extremely engaging and fun (I know, a!??) But it really was. I feel like I'm going on a tour of Tennessee and Florida with the conferences I have coming up but we're going to DARM next week, then a few smallers ones in Miami, then VRM Extravaganza in Orlando and then to VRMA in October. Hopefully will be able to attend the Women's Summit later this year but they haven't announced dates yet.
I have attended plenty of conferences in my life that focused on my official professional life- Teaching, Education, and Disability Rights. I have also set up conferences both locally and internationally. So to say I’m a fan of conferences is an understatement.

However, family life and circumstances seem to always get in the way of attending a large conference that relates to Short Term Rentals. Sadly because of an unexpected cross-country move, I had to cancel Heather Heather's very first conference. Since then it's always been one thing or another.

I have however participated in a weekend “Training Event” in Santa Cruz led by Tyann Marcink Hammond, with Alanna Schroeder, ConradO ConradO and JVozel JVozel. While much of it was a review of knowledge I already knew, value was added by having a more intimate opportunity to actually see how it was applied and to brainstorm with others in applying new bits of information learned to my own business. It also allowed me an opportunity to share and hone my confidence in myself as vacation rental businesswoman.

However- the true value of the event was finally having the opportunity to convert virtual relationships into personal ones.

I also see building a community of practice - whether virtually, at the coffee shop or bar, or at a week-long event- as a critical tool in surviving today's new animus towards STRs and their owners/PMs.

I (myopically?) see the goal and purpose of conferences: To create a community of practice that leads us to build better business relationships within our local and regional communities, strengthen our business bonds, meet legislated requirements, and ultimately improve our ROI.

Owners and property managers of STRs face increased laser-focused scrutiny that is both politically and socially charged. It's now become imperative, more than ever, to have the tools as a community of practice to maintain and sustain our business.

New laws will force- have forced - independent owners to leave the field. Those who wish to remain independent must now create new means of meeting the 24/7 requirements for on-the-ground guest monitoring.

This becomes even more difficult in a time of local businesses shuttering down due to a lack of staff. Now we have added to an already disappearing labor pool the newly legislated needs of owners of STRs living 100s of miles away to find a willing, able and responsible body to remain on call.

Some things just can't be automated.

New cottage industries need to be created.

Or perhaps PM companies already in existence need the tools to consider expanding their business model in order to be welcoming to (and profiting from) the independent owners who are vested in self-marketing.

Failing that, then expanded relationships in our part-time communities need to be built. And where better than a one by one in small venues that ultimately grow to large. The stumbling block there, however, is moving from an occasional connection to creating a steadfast community- even if at a distance.

And for that reason, I haven't given up attending conferences.

Or...… perhaps bringing one to me...even if it's just to share a cup of coffee, a drink, or go all out on a dinner conference.

We could start small, locally - Think business coffee or drinks or a dinner meeting in a conference room, or one of our houses with an opportunity to meet a local STR-related leader in the community (either political, corporate, or business)🤔.... and then....😎
I'm a huge fan of conferences, and I sorely miss them. My first was Heather Heather's first VRSS and from there I was hooked. I've been fortunate to attend one of Antonio's VRWS, and I loved Amy's Vacation Women's Summit. NWVRP is in my own back yard, and the experience from hosting our own Host2Host conference was invaluable. Each one is very different, there is much to learn from each other, and the networking is fabulous. I've made many friends in this industry and love the camaraderie and sharing. Also, to emphasize Heather's comments, Matt's VRB sessions are like mini-conferences and it's such a pleasure to meet you all. I am SO ready for this pandemic to end!
Amy's Vacation Rental Women's Summit changed my life back in December. I know that may sound a bit dramatic, but I experienced a sort of professional awakening and I am so, so grateful for what she created for us. Priceless.
Thanks for the nudge. Looking at the Book Direct Conference in Miami! The learning curve is vertical at all of these conferences, plus they are so much fun! (Miraculously reasonable flights for those dates from clear across the continent in British Columbia.)
After attending two VRMA conferences, I’m not planning on attending any conferences going forward.

On another topic, Destination Analysts is another source of tourism information and forecasts for free, as far as I can tell. Clients include 24 states, Norway and Manitoba plus 113 cities and regions from Asheville to Billings to Hilton Head. Webinars are free - just signed up for The State of the American Traveler on Sept 7. And signed up for Airbnb's “Tips to Help Improve Your Listing Quality Scores” the next day since we're getting a boatload of bookings through them this year.
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One of my 2023 goals is to attend another conference. Looking forward to seeing that list! 🙂. I've attended one (VRSS - Thanks Heather and Mike Bayer) - and it was great - the sessions had great new info, and the best direct takeaways were from Matt's session, and the outside of session networking. Can't wait to go again. I do hope VRSS 2023 happens!
Finally, if you will be attending conferences this year, please share when/where here so we can connect (I will host some private IC gatherings even if it’s one or two people):

Book Direct Conference in Miami, I am arriving late Sunday, Oct 16 and staying in Florida until Oct 26. If possible, I would love to connect with you and other IC members.
Finally, if you will be attending conferences this year, please share when/where here so we can connect (I will host some private IC gatherings even if it’s one or two people):

Book Direct Conference in Miami, I am arriving late Sunday, Oct 16 and staying in Florida until Oct 26. If possible, I would love to connect with you and other IC members.
I’m looking forward to seeing you!!
Hi All! Catching up here and on the way to the Streamline Summit. Excited to see it looks like Matt Landau Matt Landau will be speaking on Friday! Would love to meet anyone in the area. Is there a meetup happening? Cheers, Tim

Update: I do see the Panels now! Finding the Right Tech Stack on Thursday at 3pm and Becoming a Limited Edition Commodity on Friday at 9:30am. I'll plan to be there!
Amy's Vacation Rental Women's Summit changed my life back in December. I know that may sound a bit dramatic, but I experienced a sort of professional awakening and I am so, so grateful for what she created for us. Priceless.
Is the women's summit happening again in 2022? I've been checking online quite a bit but the dates still show from 2021. Bummed I missed it last year
If I could I would go to every single conference if I could, I have trouble dragging my wife to two or three a year. It is my favourite thing to do in our industry.

Every conference I have attended is packed full of industry experts and I could listen to them all day. Over 40% of the attendees at the last VRMA were first time attendees and there was a special energy in the air. I attended the Track conference in /2021 which was their first conference and they did an outstanding job. I was kind of special knowing everyone in attendance was using the same software. Going to a Streamline conference is at the top of my bucket list. Antonio Antonio does a fantastic job with his conference and it is a great excuse to travel Europe.

Best conference I have ever attended was my first conference hosted by Heather Heather, the excitement and anticipation knowing that almost everyone at the conference was going to be an IC member is something I will never forget, I remember it like it was yesterday. I have been invited to sit on a panel for this springs VRMA conference and although it is an honour it does not come close to excitement of that first conference in Toronto. It doesn't matter how many conferences I attend in my life time that will always be the best.
Oh Terry you wait for the Book Direct Show! It's the old school kind of conference where you actually learn things you can implement in your business! "No infomercials". Take notes, and then incorporate them! This Show is going to be a banger! See you there!
Oh Terry you wait for the Book Direct Show! It's the old school kind of conference where you actually learn things you can implement in your business! "No infomercials". Take notes, and then incorporate them! This Show is going to be a banger! See you there!
DeborahL DeborahL I look forward to catching up with you in Miami.
I love conferences because it's a chance to talk face to face and learn from all of you. But also it's great to be around the energy and enthusiasm.

This year the demand from vendors to sponsor and exhibit at shows is higher than I've ever seen. Sponsorships are selling out quickly, many months in advance of the shows. And from what I'm hearing attendance is expected to be higher than ever. The VRMA Spring Forum, as an example, appears will be the most attendees they've ever had. The fear of COVID isn't hanging over everyone as it did the last two years.

LIST OF U.S. SHOWS I know of currently. Obviously, all are different. I've included links to help you find out more information:

4/3 - 4/5: Northwest Vacation Rental Professionals
4/11, 12: VRMA Spring Forum
4/27: VRM Intel Live! Wilmington, NC

TBD: VRMA Connect Mid-Atlantic
5/1 - 5/4: Expedia EXPLORE 22 Las Vegas NV
5/3: Florida Vacation Rental Alliance (FAVR) NW Regional
5/18: VRM Intel Live! Branson MO

TBD: VRMA Connect
6/9: VRM Intel Live! Breckenridge CO
6/16, 17: IMN Short-Term Rental Forum Austin TX

8/9, 10: VRM Intel DARM Nashville TN

9/7 - 9/9: Streamline Summit Scottsdale AZ
9/13: GuestyVal Austin TX
9/18 - 9/20: Track & Atlas Customer Conference Minneapolis MN
9/19 - 9/21: FAVR Xtravaganza Orlando FL
9/26 - 9/28: LiveRez Conference Asheville NC

10/18, 19: The Book Direct Show Miami FL
10/23 - 10/26: VRMA International Las Vegas NV

11/3: VRM Intel Live! South Lake Tahoe NV
11/30: VRM Intel Live! SW Florida

I just posted below more events with links to their websites for more information.
Hey Chris, do you have the equivalent for 2023? KarenHunt KarenHunt was asking.
Matt Landau Matt Landau do you know if the scale up conference is on in Barcelona? I enquired but did not get a response. Also waiting to hear from short stay summit in London…very frustrating as I’m running out of time to book flights…any info is appreciated if you know who runs these…
[email protected] for scale up I believe

Don’t know short stay summit but I will inquire!
I love conferences because it's a chance to talk face to face and learn from all of you. But also it's great to be around the energy and enthusiasm.

This year the demand from vendors to sponsor and exhibit at shows is higher than I've ever seen. Sponsorships are selling out quickly, many months in advance of the shows. And from what I'm hearing attendance is expected to be higher than ever. The VRMA Spring Forum, as an example, appears will be the most attendees they've ever had. The fear of COVID isn't hanging over everyone as it did the last two years.

LIST OF U.S. SHOWS I know of currently. Obviously, all are different. I've included links to help you find out more information:

4/3 - 4/5: Northwest Vacation Rental Professionals
4/11, 12: VRMA Spring Forum
4/27: VRM Intel Live! Wilmington, NC

TBD: VRMA Connect Mid-Atlantic
5/1 - 5/4: Expedia EXPLORE 22 Las Vegas NV
5/3: Florida Vacation Rental Alliance (FAVR) NW Regional
5/18: VRM Intel Live! Branson MO

TBD: VRMA Connect
6/9: VRM Intel Live! Breckenridge CO
6/16, 17: IMN Short-Term Rental Forum Austin TX

8/9, 10: VRM Intel DARM Nashville TN

9/7 - 9/9: Streamline Summit Scottsdale AZ
9/13: GuestyVal Austin TX
9/18 - 9/20: Track & Atlas Customer Conference Minneapolis MN
9/19 - 9/21: FAVR Xtravaganza Orlando FL
9/26 - 9/28: LiveRez Conference Asheville NC

10/18, 19: The Book Direct Show Miami FL
10/23 - 10/26: VRMA International Las Vegas NV

11/3: VRM Intel Live! South Lake Tahoe NV
11/30: VRM Intel Live! SW Florida

I just posted below more events with links to their websites for more information.
Hey Chris, do you have an updated version of this for us 🙂
Hey Chris, do you have an updated version of this for us 🙂
Looks like I’m the only Inner Circle member who is very disappointed VRMA conferences. I have not renewed my membership.

Most if not all sessions have topics on how to acquire more properties and how to manage them through Breezeway, Operto and others. In my destination, this simply can’t happen. And I don’t want to do that either.

I remember asking a question at a session, introducing myself as an owner in Kansas. The entire panel gave me deer-in-the-headlights looks that I read as one or more of the following:
- Where is Kansas?
- There isn’t anything to do in Kansas
- Why are you here? You don’t belong!

I found myself agreeing with another vendor rep in San Antonio that VRMA is clubby.

I would argue that a substantial segment of the VR community (thousands of owners and managers like me) doesn’t have a place to sit at VRMA’s table. VRMA membership data proves that 80% of membership is in only 30% of the US. And over 20% of the increase in membership post-Vegas was in Florida.

I’m happy to talk to Matt Landau Matt Landau and others more about this at the Keystone Retreat in a couple of weeks.
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Heather Heather do you have any intel?

I have no intel on the Short Stay Summit although it seemed as if VRMA had moved away from their European conference in favour of this one. They are still posting the 2022 agenda which seems odd as it's only a few months out now and I'd expect to see something more concrete to go on by now.
The Short Stay week in Barcelona looks like a great event, and I'll be there for 3 days of it encompassing the Book Direct Show and the Scale Rentals Show. Damian does an amazing job at creating a great event, and I think this will be a good one. It's a genius idea to create a week of it, as there's a pick-and-mix element to the event that also incorporates a stay in a beautiful place, so make a vacation of it!
Looks like I’m the only Inner Circle member who is very disappointed VRMA conferences. I have not renewed my membership.

Most if not all sessions have topics on how to acquire more properties and how to manage them through Breezeway, Operto and others. In my destination, this simply can’t happen. And I don’t want to do that either.

I remember asking a question at a session, introducing myself as an owner in Kansas. The entire panel gave me deer-in-the-headlights looks that I read as one or more of the following:
- Where is Kansas?
- There isn’t anything to do in Kansas
- Why are you here? You don’t belong!

I found myself agreeing with another vendor rep in San Antonio that VRMA is clubby.

I would argue that a substantial segment of the VR community (thousands of owners and managers like me) doesn’t have a place to sit at VRMA’s table. VRMA membership data proves that 80% of membership is in only 30% of the US. And over 20% of the increase in membership post-Vegas was in Florida.

I’m happy to talk to Matt Landau Matt Landau and others more about this at the Keystone Retreat in a couple of weeks.
There are so many other options now, and the smaller conferences are developing in quality and value. I have attended multiple VRMA events and agree with the points above. I think they've lost direction a little and have only paid lip service to the smaller, more unique companies that are growing in number.
Northwest Vacation Rental Professionals (1).png

NWVRP Conference is coming up in Reno! We definitely believe we are the "Biggest Little Conference in the World". Fun, but intimate spaces, lots of time for chatting with other PMs and vendors. Relaxed atmosphere but packed with amazing content from seriously clever colleagues. Hope to see you all there!
I think you'd like the Data and Revenue Management Conference: more than the main focus (data and revenue management and really marketing more broadly) I think the caliber of attendee of this event is one you'd really jive with. The large VRMA events are great too -- just a bigger scale and a little harder to build deep connections because so much going on!
Hey all! Peak season here in the great Minnesota northwoods - looking ahead to this fall & winter. We are a newer VRM company, with 13 properties, looking to learn and grow. What is one industry conference you'd recommend that we attend for 2023 in the fall or winter of 2024?
I think the big VRMA event in October is always fun, but agree that it can be pretty overwhelming. I also agree that DARM tends to be a bit smaller and have more advanced content. Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either of those as a first. Congrats on your business!

Also - Matt Landau Matt Landau, love this prompt and the breakout questions. I also like adding something like "What are the best takeaways you've had from a conference?" (spoiler alert: for me it's always been the networking and meeting folks and less the "content")
I think you'd like the Data and Revenue Management Conference: more than the main focus (data and revenue management and really marketing more broadly) I think the caliber of attendee of this event is one you'd really jive with. The large VRMA events are great too -- just a bigger scale and a little harder to build deep connections because so much going on!
Thanks for the recommendation Matt - I really do enjoy the smaller settings (like the Keystone Retreat) for that very reason!
I think the big VRMA event in October is always fun, but agree that it can be pretty overwhelming. I also agree that DARM tends to be a bit smaller and have more advanced content. Ultimately, you can't go wrong with either of those as a first. Congrats on your business!

Also - Matt Landau Matt Landau, love this prompt and the breakout questions. I also like adding something like "What are the best takeaways you've had from a conference?" (spoiler alert: for me it's always been the networking and meeting folks and less the "content")
Thanks for the insight Jeff!
Every conference or meeting that I have ever attended through all avenues has been amazing for my business. The keystone event that Mike and I attended was a watershed weekend for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our big leap is to develop a Glamping property outside of Charleston and the infrastructure, permitting, surveys, etc have been almost overwhelming. Things are really moving along and we hope to have it up and running this time next year. some of the things in the plan..a peek behind the curtain.


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Who's going to VRMA Orlando this year???

My husband will be riding rollercoasters while I'm at the conference - thank you, VRMA! I don't do rollercoasters OR screaming humans/massive Disney attractions if I can avoid them, but the husband LOVES them.

Yes to everything in your post! I love conferences for finding like-minded folks with similar issues to mine and so MANY possible solutions I may not have thought of yet. And, this year, only 2 people out of our 6 office people are attending - me (office manager, homeowner onboarding, owner communication, everything that needs doing) and our new (1 year) maintenance supervisor. I'm so excited to introduce him to many of our vendors that we don't see in person and set him loose on finding solutions.

Three points for new-to-conference folks:
- Comfortable shoes and clothes. Lots of walking around and up and down stairs (especially if you don't like crowded elevators or the escalator isn't doing its thing).
- Food/Water. If you have special food needs - don't expect them to be met. I'm diabetic and carb-only foods at the morning pre-sessions are not okay for me. I carry all the extra things to keep me going through the day so I can take in all the good info without getting wilt-y or cranky. It also means I get up extra early to find real breakfast food with protein. Stay HYDRATED! There are some fun parties... And all the A/C sucks the moisture out of you.
- Notepad or digital devices. I've forgotten to bring a pad of paper to at least 2 VRMA confs over the years and scrambled to find vendors giving them away as swag. Fun to meet folks that way, but didn't help me take notes before I found a decent note pad. And I'm old school. I take notes by hand to process information.

Meetup at the conference? 🙂
This year as we head into conferences I am going to make a list of needs, must haves, and who to find. When you get to conferences especially bigger ones it can be overwhelming with all the things. Have a list or plan of action before you go, so you don't miss out!

Needs: What pain points are you having as a business right now? This will help you focus on what you actually need, not look at the shiny offerings being given to you if they don't fit your pain points. Meet up with vendors who can solve your pain points, also don't forget to reach out to collogues who are having the same issues that might have ideas for you on how they solved it or what vendor helped them solve it.

Must Haves: similar to needs but more finalized. You know the pain points you have and know the solution so narrow down those who can help that you will sign up with at the conference. Most companies have deals at this time, so great time to sign up.

Who to find: In the busyness of life I sometimes forget about wanting to meet a fellow colleague that I have only met online, or maybe someone I want to meet that I have heard great things about.

Final thought, don't get caught up in the FOMO, the best conference you will have is finding a few new folks and connecting with them at dinner or drinks. If you try to do all the things you end up running around and missing opportunities. If you have your list and you leave the conference with a lot or all of it checked off you will feel very accomplished and pumped to go back and implement what you learned.

About the author

Matt Landau
Founder, VRMB
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