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Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

EP89: Growth Secrets for 100+ Properties (Exit Strategy Included)

In this episode Matt sits down with Kirsten King of Big Sky Vacation Rentals for some big takeaways on building and ultimately selling a supremely profitable and sustainable vacation rental business.

This episode is brought to you by Point Central, the leaders in smart home automation, and Breezeway, the best in class property care and automations platform.


  • Growth Secrets for 100+ Properties (Exit Strategy Included).pdf
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“A podcast with a splash! Thoughtful, well-targeted, and useful delivery.”
— Beth, Splashy Ventures
“I listen while pulling weeds in my garden. Perfect way of spending my morning.”
— Sibylle, Villa Ausblick
“High-quality, actionable, and timely. Pure gold.”
— Matthew, Family Time Vacation Rentals