Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

Monday Morning Motivation [Freshening Up]

Freshen up.png
IDEA: All great vacation rental marketing materials need to be freshened up once in a while. Said softly, out-of-date marketing means you are not benefiting from of all improvements since. Said more strongly, out-of-date marketing could be false or misleading.

ACTION: Eliminate old or stale marketing from your portfolio by setting a reminder once a year to freshen up your listing site descriptions, blog posts, About Us page, professional photos of you, your team, and your properties…etc. Sometimes freshening up requires nothing more than a few adjustments. Other times it can be a total re-haul. But not unlike the frequency of taking a shower, any freshening up is better than none.

Any questions, comments on how this worked (or didn't!) or ideas on how to do this in other ways (not explained in post) are welcome below :)
I love the concept of “fresh eyes”. What does a person that sees your property for the first time see?

BrendaS BrendaS - This was precisely my motivation for digging deeper into the Reviews. After four years, none of it is new to me anymore. It was good to take a step back and see what Guests (as a collective group) thought the greatest selling points were via their reviews. There were indeed a few interesting take-aways.

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