Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

Oh My Wordmarks!

This week's motivation is a hat-tip to ToonTownRob ToonTownRob who introduced us to the concept in this thread: Remodel nearly done. Now need a Logo


A wordmark is a text-only typographic treatment of the name of a business (or vacation rental property) used for purposes of identification and branding.

It is different from a logo, which is usually shapes, symbols, icons, badges...etc.

Because a wordmark includes only the text name. The font may vary.


In Stage 2 of Listing Site Independence, we establish that every vacation rental home needs a name and a brand.

So, let's make a few wordmarks for free!

1. Head over to and sign up for a free account.
2. Create a New Design >> Logo
3. Type "name of your or property" in normal font, then start playing around with fonts and sizes
Note: You can of course do this with any text editing app. I just love Canva's intuitive layout a lot.

I've done a few samples to give you sense of the variety a solid font can offer any wordmark.

QUESTION: Would you consider creating a wordmark for your fav property -- giving its name an immediate boost in branding?


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I couldn't help myself from using Canva's free logo feature to get a little more snazzy. ToonTownRob ToonTownRob I hope these still constitute a wordmark :)


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We struggle with the individual name aspect as we have 80 plus homes. At what point is it a hinderance to add names to your properties and should focus more on the branding of your business name. We just had a manager's meeting and decided we want to branch out to other areas, but want to keep our home total around 80-100 and make sure every home meets our standards which means we might drop below the 80 mark over the next little while. But trying to market each home with it's own name seems daunting. But if it is worth it then I want to try and do it?
We struggle with the individual name aspect as we have 80 plus homes. At what point is it a hinderance to add names to your properties and should focus more on the branding of your business name. We just had a manager's meeting and decided we want to branch out to other areas, but want to keep our home total around 80-100 and make sure every home meets our standards which means we might drop below the 80 mark over the next little while. But trying to market each home with it's own name seems daunting. But if it is worth it then I want to try and do it?

with unique names for each home, you give yourself a huge passive marketing boost: because when a visitor comes across the home on an OTA, it’s far easier for them to search Google and arrive at your website. A unique name is the mechanism that facilitates this process. If you choose to put more effort into the actual branding of each home, that’s merely an added bonus.

For another data point, the second largest manager in the United States has each of his local divisions going through this exercise right now.

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