Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

Securing URLs

A foundational element of building a home is the plot on which it sits.

One of the first investments we suggest vacation rental professionals make in Stage 2 of Listing Site Independence is in domain names. And there are three types of domains you should consider purchasing in order to carve out your own little piece of online real estate.

  1. Your full name (good for any and all professional pursuits -- people will google your name whether you like it or not)
  2. Your business' name (and any similar variations)
  3. A signature property's name (include destination in domain name if necessary)

I'm not even going into "what to do next." Yes, you can make a website. Yes, you can create a custom email address. Yes, you can forward them to other domain names.

The main thing I want you to take away from this: PLEASE simply purchase these domain names so they are in your possession.

I spent about 3 months "interning" for the world's top domain broker so I have a decent idea of the market and would be happy to field any questions in the threads below.
I dunno... I’m pretty easily distracted!

I think I read somewhere that research showed that the comprehension and learning was actually higher when the human voice is heard at a higher speed. Perhaps it is because the lack of gaps leaves less room for the mind to wander.

I’m always fascinated by how easily I and others adapt to a higher playback speed. Once you are used to it, ‘normal’ is painfully slow.
Definitely, you need to get a URL for your site and yourself. But how many URLs are too many URLs? I'm still exploring the issue of type-in URLS.
Type-in traffic is the term that is used to describe the visitors of a webpage or website who land on that particular page or website by entering a particular word or phrase in the address bar of a web browser. I have all of my "type-in" urls (undeveloped) based on keywords redirected to my main site.

But...Are the Google Gods still ok with it?

Otherwise, it would seem we will need to build individual stand-alone micro-sites that would be useful for backlinking purposes...presuming those links are not perceived as too spammy.

I guess it's a matter of understanding the difference between 301s and 302s. ... or ...?
That is what prompted my question regarding too many urls:

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