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Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

The Advocacy Masterplan

Vtrips is one of the fastest growing companies in our industry and its leader, Steve Milo, has advocacy in mind with every aquisiton he makes. In this episode we dive into his advocacy masterplan, talk about what he looks for in a destination and see how we can apply it to our scorecard. We also hear from Amy Gaster and Dusty Church who are working with Vtrips on Tybee Island to save vacation rentals there. Their willingness to engage with community when possible and fight via litigaiton when necessary is emerging as a valuable case study.

This season is made possible by Minut and TrackHS as well as our thought partner AirDNA.

AirDNA is every vacation rental manager's go-to source for themost accurate property performance, benchmarking, and acquisition insights. Come see why over 2,000 global VRMs trust AirDNA to move their businesses forward.

Minut monitors noise, occupancy, motion and temperature in rental properties, helping hosts care for their homes, guests and community.

Track Hospitality Software powered by TravelNet Solutions transforms your vacation rental company so you can transform the way vacation rental advocacy plays out in your region.

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Visit our Whiteboard to see questions, roadblocks and breakthroughs from each episode in the pursuit of a scorecard here:

Thank you to our guests this episode:

Steve Milo:

Amy Gaster:

Dusty Church:

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