• Ready to unearth your next breakthrough? Join Matt Landau and Futurist, Erwin Pearlman for a private online talk about the power of creativity and Soul in business: Thursday, March 6th at 5PM (EST). https://heregoesnothin.com/soul

Matt's Picks

Note: Thanks to @ToonTownRob for posting this mini-revelation about the power of starting your email responses with a twist. It inspired this week's Motivation (and I decided to record it in podcast form too below).

Listing sites like Airbnb and Vrbo rank as the top pound-for-pound allocation of your time to generate inquiries. All the various listing sites...
#3 from the Guest point of view. We wanted to rent a dog-friendly house in a specific beach community for three months during winter 2023. We're two adults and two golden retrievers. I first looked for local rental agencies and found nothing. Then I resorted to Vrbo. I found the ideal...
I am currently visiting @Godfrey in Sun Valley, Idaho where the supply of vacation rental properties is so limited (and the demand for this destination so great) that property owners and managers need to be extra intentional about how they spend their time. To a degree, I think this focus is increasingly playing out across the world.

Every activity falls somewhere on the profit spectrum, but which...
Here's a full interview so you can understand better: Thanks, as always, Matt! 👌
My mother is a brain scientist who has earned an incredible array of accolades over the last few decades. Becoming a scientist wasn't common for women in her generation so (with the help of great mentors) she chose to blaze her own trail.

My father was a shopkeeper whose family business served as a keystone to the community of Princeton, New Jersey his entire adult life (he has since retired and the shop...
From the young age of two, my family begin hosting exchange students from all over the world. My mom was a HS teacher and my father was the friendliest human you could ever meet! I also recall many students hanging at the...
Once you've come to grips with the fact that few employees will likely ever have the same level of passion or commitment that you do, you turn to the next best thing:

"How can I best incentivize them to reach their full potential and KEEP them at my business?"

I wanted to start a thread of some great ideas I've learned in the last few weeks of attending conferences, with the hope that YOU can jump in and...
We profit share with everyone in the office and offer holiday bonuses, great health benefits, sick and vacation time and all the usual good stuff PLUS, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are always half days but paid as full...
Hello community members, I'm sharing with you my big trend for independent owners and managers in 2022, along with links to all mentioned resources below.
Please use the thread below to share any trends you believe are worth doubling down on...

Resources Mentioned:
In Vacasa's quest for more more more properties, they are going to run smack into the regulatory issues we are all struggling with. I'm waiting to see what they will do. Will they join the fray and make a positive difference?

This week Matt and Jed Stevens of Koloa Kai detail a six-step program for building a sustainable and profitable vacation rental business and soft-launch the VRMB Accelerator Program.

Official Accelerator Program Sign-Up Page
For more information, send a direct message to Jed Jed

This episode is brought to you by Point Central, the leaders in smart home...
[UPDATE 05/12/23] Official Accelerator Program Sign-Up Page

Welcome to VRMB!

I’m Matt Landau, the founder of this forum. It was created in 2016 when a group of us wanted a safe space to discuss our growing STR businesses.

Today, you can join our community of 1,000+ creative, thoughtful, and generous members who believe in a better future.

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Here Goes Nothin'

Retreats, workshops, and discussions that spark creative leaps in your business.

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Upcoming Retreats

Here Goes Nothin' retreats mimic the regenerative laws of nature to help business leaders pause, reflect on what really matters, and discover their next big breakthrough. Our next retreats are May 2-6 and May 6-10 at the famed Imiloa Institute in Dominical, Costa Rica.

Simply reach out to [email protected] with a bit about your current goals to learn more...
