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Matt Landau
  • Founder, VRMB

VRMB Declares a Climate Emergency (And Your VR Business Can Too...)

In the post-pandemic travel landscape, the professional vacation rental sector is one of the best positioned to flourish. And as vacation rental professionals, we seek trends to invest in today that will reward us over time. How our guests, properties, and business practices interact with the environment sits at the very top of that list.​
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VRMB Declares a Climate Emergency

We’ve signed up to Tourism Declares, an initiative that supports tourism businesses, organizations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030.

Like all signatories, VRMB has committed to the following five actions:

1. Develop a ‘Climate Emergency Plan,’ which outlines our intentions to reduce carbon emissions as a result of vacation rental operation over the next decade. It can be broken down into the following steps:
  • Emphasizing the financial benefits of eco-friendly vacation rental operation and marketing/branding
  • Showcasing vacation rental professionals who demonstrate exemplary environmental motives (and the financial benefits they bring)
  • Researching eco-friendly travel trends: Get started here with A Roadmap to Your Environmentally Sustainable VR Business
  • Collaborating with eco-friendly travel (and hospitality) influencers such as BobG BobG
2. Share an initial public declaration of our ‘Climate Emergency Plan’ (in this thread) and update on progress each year.

3. Accept current IPCC advice stating the need to cut global carbon emissions to 55% below 2017 levels by 2030 in order to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming. We’ll ensure our ‘Climate Emergency Plan’ represents actions designed to reduce carbon emissions by focusing on the activities that require the smallest adjustments to vacation rental operations that generate the most change.

4. Encourage our colleagues make the same declaration; sharing best practices here in VRMB Communities. If you would like to participate in this initiative you can follow the instructions on Tourism Declares here. We are also encouraging all participants to include their backlink in this thread below.

5. Advocate for change. We recognize the need for system change across the industry to accelerate a just transition towards carbon-free tourism.

NOTE: One of the interesting patterns here is that vacation rental owners/managers who are first to their region with eco-friendly positioning are generating disproportionate returns. Which makes this a business decision in addition to an environmental one.
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We are all aware that tourism, though essential and necessary, can have negative impacts on communities and the planet. In fact 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions are related to tourism. We also know that some locations suffer from over-tourism.

Tourism Declares is an organisation set up to support businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking action to reduce their carbon emissions. Those who support it commit to cut their emissions, advocate for change, collaborate with others in our industry and create an action plan. I have been a member for some time and you can see my commitment here.

Tourism Declares have now launched an online forum for members to support and assist each other - very much like an Inner Circle but dedicated not just to our industry but specifically focused on climate action. I am finding it helpful in these early days and I am working with a post grad student (MSC in Responsible Tourism Management) to develop my next steps coherently.

If anyone is interested in finding out more please post here or DM me.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall
Matt Landau Matt Landau I think that's a great idea and my mind goes to lots of additional avenues and benefits that might align with such a site. Definitely a little more than just a Niche market as people generally become more and more concerned with impact on the environment not only from carbon emissions but other issues like waste, micro fibres, water pollution, etc - Maybe we can gently inform and educate our guests (in a fun way) 🙂
We all need to do something in this regard and thanks BobG BobG for highlighting this to members.
Hi, thanks Bob! I will look at your link.
All of my toiletries and cleaning products are Earth-friendly. Cleancult is where I get hand soap, etc. One guest liked the scent. All of my outdoor dinnerware is from Green Products- hot/cold cups, plates, bowls made for composting- biodegradable, made of products like cane sugar. Really neat. I get the ones printed with "biodegradeable" so guests know.
My goal is for guests to try and buy. I wanted to advertize these Earth-friendly products by supplying them, but guests are not getting the message. If I put the refill containers in an "eco-friendly " basket to show guests what I supply then they may get stolen..
I am missing the mark on on promoting these items.
** Not trying to hijack this post. Bob, you are clearly doing great things to promote Green living at your properties. I'll re-read your suggestions.
My niche has focused on being a "dog-friendly" property to increase bookings, but these Earth-friendly products are more expensive than Walmart, and the message is just as important to me as the dog niche. I don't see any real interest in being eco-friendly from my guests. Am I wasting $$$ providing these products, I wonder ? My rates are not high.
Sorry to redirect this thread.
We are all aware that tourism, though essential and necessary, can have negative impacts on communities and the planet. In fact 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions are related to tourism. We also know that some locations suffer from over-tourism.

Tourism Declares is an organisation set up to support businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking action to reduce their carbon emissions. Those who support it commit to cut their emissions, advocate for change, collaborate with others in our industry and create an action plan. I have been a member for some time and you can see my commitment here.

Tourism Declares have now launched an online forum for members to support and assist each other - very much like an Inner Circle but dedicated not just to our industry but specifically focused on climate action. I am finding it helpful in these early days and I am working with a post grad student (MSC in Responsible Tourism Management) to develop my next steps coherently.

If anyone is interested in finding out more please post here or DM me.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall

Are you working on the Climate Plan? Good list of supporters. Hope it really takes off with the aviation industry.
Are you working on the Climate Plan? Good list of supporters. Hope it really takes off with the aviation industry.
I will try and answer both your great points here Catherine Catherine
On the climate plan, certainly I am revising our plan. I am working with a Masters student in Responsible Tourism Management from Leeds University. Essentially we examine all aspects of the business to assess what can be improved and what effect it will have on our business carbon footprint.

Well done on the green products that you are using. I have no experience of trying to sell eco products to guests, that is not my thing. My approach is to have them for guests, to explain why and what the benefits are and help them see that by staying with us they have already made a small difference to make their holiday more eco-friendly. Of course the 'multiplier' effect is vital - that they go home with an enhanced understanding of the issues and they change their behaviours and their buying patterns.

I believe being green is also good for your business as I talk about here

I have no experience of Walmart but please bear in mind that being sustainable is aIso about taking into account all aspects of a product and it's total impact from cradle to grave - ingredients, manufacture, transport, use, dispenser, disposal etc as I discuss here in topic #6. My experience has been mainly that I have found comparable products at comparable prices. Have you considered topic #1? - an easy win.

Catherine it sounds like you have already taken many steps, which is excellent. Have you considered how you promote these steps to guests so that you get a return for your efforts and they become better informed? (website, social media, digital/printed guide, email and conversations etc) Do you have a listing with an eco OTA? are you accredited by one of the many agencies so that you can brand yourself effectively? have you considered trying to get some press coverage for your efforts? - even local press can make a difference.

Finally remember that you are taking some bold steps that we all must take at some point as can be evidenced in the latest survey data from Booking.com
I will try and answer both your great points here Catherine Catherine
On the climate plan, certainly I am revising our plan. I am working with a Masters student in Responsible Tourism Management from Leeds University. Essentially we examine all aspects of the business to assess what can be improved and what effect it will have on our business carbon footprint.

Well done on the green products that you are using. I have no experience of trying to sell eco products to guests, that is not my thing. My approach is to have them for guests, to explain why and what the benefits are and help them see that by staying with us they have already made a small difference to make their holiday more eco-friendly. Of course the 'multiplier' effect is vital - that they go home with an enhanced understanding of the issues and they change their behaviours and their buying patterns.

I believe being green is also good for your business as I talk about here

I have no experience of Walmart but please bear in mind that being sustainable is aIso about taking into account all aspects of a product and it's total impact from cradle to grave - ingredients, manufacture, transport, use, dispenser, disposal etc as I discuss here in topic #6. My experience has been mainly that I have found comparable products at comparable prices. Have you considered topic #1? - an easy win.

Catherine it sounds like you have already taken many steps, which is excellent. Have you considered how you promote these steps to guests so that you get a return for your efforts and they become better informed? (website, social media, digital/printed guide, email and conversations etc) Do you have a listing with an eco OTA? are you accredited by one of the many agencies so that you can brand yourself effectively? have you considered trying to get some press coverage for your efforts? - even local press can make a difference.

Finally remember that you are taking some bold steps that we all must take at some point as can be evidenced in the latest survey data from Booking.com
Wow. I'll have to review the steps again! Walmart was just an example of a place to get inexpensive products. Not green.
"Eco OTA"? Didn't realize that they exist. I'll look at the Tourism site. They're probably listed there.
I have eco-friendly in various places on Airbnb and VRBO, but I'm not seeing that it makes a difference. I think that I need to speak to dog lovers about the benefits in relation to animals. Dog ppl tend to be animal-lovers.
My message is better crafted on my web site. I even stole your explanation of what eco-friendly means! I gave you credit, btw.
I will add a reminder to guests in the OTA's that all products are green. Maybe add a short version of what it means to be green and the benefits to their doggie adventures...hmmm...
You've given me good food for thought, Bob. Thank you!!!
We are all aware that tourism, though essential and necessary, can have negative impacts on communities and the planet. In fact 8% of all global greenhouse gas emissions are related to tourism. We also know that some locations suffer from over-tourism.

Tourism Declares is an organisation set up to support businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking action to reduce their carbon emissions. Those who support it commit to cut their emissions, advocate for change, collaborate with others in our industry and create an action plan. I have been a member for some time and you can see my commitment here.

Tourism Declares have now launched an online forum for members to support and assist each other - very much like an Inner Circle but dedicated not just to our industry but specifically focused on climate action. I am finding it helpful in these early days and I am working with a post grad student (MSC in Responsible Tourism Management) to develop my next steps coherently.

If anyone is interested in finding out more please post here or DM me.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Jane Goodall
Would love info on this!
Love these types of sites not only for sharing your goals and mission with your property, but also sites like these can help your rankings/traffic too! I see they have a page here (https://www.tourismdeclares.com/who-has-declared) where Bob + others are listed with a link to their page/website. Great link/promo to have for sure.

If you are undertaking any initiatives like this, see if they have a page where they list sponsors or supporters.
I am putting together my declaration now, BobG BobG -- better late than never! In hindsight (and after reading a number of other declarations and the template/resources) do you have inclusions you think are most fit for a vacation rental business (both IC members and an educational business like VRMB)?
Thanks Matt for highlighting this easy but powerful initiative. My post at the beginning of this thread explains what Tourism Declares is all about and as Matt mentioned in yesterday's Weekly Digest and ConradO ConradO says above you benefit from backlinks to help your SEO.

The steps are really easy:
1. Write a blog post or create a page on your website where to commit to the initiative. Here is a suggested text but you can write it how you like. Here is what others have written, here is mine. Remember the declaration does not include a list of actions - that follows later - within 12 months. At this stage you are simple stating that you will develop a plan.

2. Sign up to Tourism Declares on this page - there are no costs now or later. They will add you to the website and back links are then created. You will then have access to all the resources of the group (a bit like the IC but all connected to this topic of tourism and the climate emergency). The group includes all types of businesses in the tourism sector, big and small. The purpose of this IC type resource is to help each other and learn from those who are further down the line in terms of actions and plans. If you don't want to be active in the group - fine. You have me as the conduit to all the resources if you prefer.

That is all you have to do for now - well done!

3. Within the next 12 months create a plan for how you are going to start to tackle your carbon footprint in your business. Here are some suggested topics or you can go back and look at this thread I created some months ago. This is not complicated and it is really a series of small steps to make your business greener. I will guide you here so don't let this phase you. Remember they are steps that you will eventually be making anyway due to a combination of traveller demand, competitor pressure, regulation etc.

As you all probably know we have to cut our global emission by 50%+ by 2030 and get emissions to net zero by 2050. To achieve this we need participation and contribution from every country, industry, business and individual. Tourism Declares membership in essence means that you accept that you are part of the solution and that you commit to play your part in any way that you can.

I am ready to help anyone who wants to sign up. Thanks.
StacyW StacyW - let me know how I can help.
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BobG BobG : Tourism Declares asks that everyone use a German search engine in your neck-of-the-woods: Ecosia that plants trees worldwide with its profits! On a related topic, check out this recent CBS News story that states how much electricity is consumed when we send emails while working from home.
Yes Ecosia have planted over 100 million trees simply by people using their search engine - amazing. Remember whether you send the email from home or from the office the power usage across the network is broadly the same. Here are 3 things that you can do:

1 - Use a search engine like Ecosia so that more trees are planted which absorb the carbon
2 - Switch your energy supplier to a green tariff so that your home power consumption is based on renewable energy not carbon. See step one of this thread.
3. Check that your web host is using green energy and badge your website according
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https://www.responsibletravel.com/ is a wonderful website that we found genuine and amazing holidays in, in the past. We listed our apartments there as well. You need to take some extra green steps to be listed there, so the participation process will help your business to get greener.
FYI- For those of you who have joined the Tourism Community focusing on Climate Change (whether officially through the Tourism Declares or via your own initiatives):
Survey on The Future of Natural Resource Governance

You may be interested in participating in this survey announced by Daniel Kaufmann (Twitter: @kaufpost) resident Emeritus and ex-CEO, NRGI. Brookings Institution:

Do you care about #NaturalResources, #Renewables, #Corruption #ClimateChange & #energytransition ? Your voice & views is key to shape #futureofNRG strategies. Please fill this brief survey (and share it): http://surveymonkey.com/r/FUTURE_OF_NRG.

Of possible interest to our community is this question regarding Natural Resource Governance Priorities:
"If you could launch one concrete initiative to address one natural resource governance challenge only, what would it be? (Brief write-in, maximum 30 words)

Included in the respondent's background information is the question Main professional background (Select one). I responded: Educator (Ed.D), Tourism/Hospitality business with an interest in climate change

About the author

Matt Landau
Founder, VRMB
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