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Season 2 of The Vacation Rental Show is presented by Booking.com.

Click here to go Behind the Booking with Matt and learn more about listing your property, or to see other episodes: http://book.i.ng/6003TE4wX

This episode of The Vacation Rental Show with Matt Landau explores Bali through the eyes of local vacation rental professional Mailie Green of Global Villas, LTD.

In this...
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Welcome to VRMB!

I’m Matt Landau, the founder of this forum. It was created in 2016 when a group of us wanted a safe space to discuss our growing STR businesses.

Today, you can join our community of 1,000+ creative, thoughtful, and generous members who believe in a better future.

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Here Goes Nothin'

Retreats, workshops, and discussions that spark creative leaps in your business.

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Upcoming Retreats

Matt's first Here Goes Nothin' retreat is slated for THIS NEW YEARS Dec 26-30 (cohort 1) and Dec 30-Jan 3 (cohort 2).

This retreat is all about creativity as an advanced leadership technique and is open to anyone exploring more creative risks in business (and life!)

Simply reach out to [email protected] with a bit about your current goals to learn more...
